Thursday, May 10, 2018

Under Construction

Hey guys. It's 6:46am and I'm sitting at my parent's house. They have wifi and food. They also live within walking distance so~ this is where I write most of the time. Just wanted to point a huge middle finger at the wacky-ness of my blog at the moment. It's under construction and I can't figure out how to get rid of the giant JULIET at the top or the amazingly goodlooking lady at the top right hand corner. Man.... I wish I had her clothes in my perfect size. By the way, I'm a size 18 if anyone sees anything cute they'd like to send me~ I'll model it for the world! I love clothes..... getting off topic.... 
Please pardon the mess, is what I am trying to say. I am not tech savvy at all and even though I know I can probably go into the code and fix the theme, to rid myself of these intruders and put my own pretty stuff in, I am not quite sure on the how. PSSST! Local friends, if you can help, it would be appreciated. I can pay in coffee or a home cooked meal.

Since the post looks better with a picture attached have this photo of some strawberries I made at the bakery. I'll talk more about the bakery on my next post, since that's where I'll be. 

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