Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Made a GoFund Me

6:55 PM 0 Comments
I was showing my dad the blog. I showed him how my Kofi link worked and he asked what KoFi was. I explained and he suggested I make a GoFund Me. Well, here it is. I'm not really sure how it'll do or if it's worth it, but so far so good! Let's stay hopeful! Maybe I'll be able to go back to school soon, and hopefully in the Fall like I planned. I know it's too late to go for the Summer Semester. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

Mother's Day and Drinking with Medication

5:44 AM 0 Comments
 For mother's day my sisters and I went to El Bracero with my mom. We had a lot of fun just talking and laughing at whatever we wanted. My mom has done so much for us I have no idea how to really truly thank ever thank her. She suffers from mental illness as well, so I understand how hard it can be to deal with everything life demands from you on top of the crushing feelings your mind gives you. Well, mom  dealt with it for us, and that's amazing to me. 
I'm not too sure where any of my blogs go when I start them to be honest. I'll just tell you about last night. 
Mom and I shared a shrimp cocktail, didn't really eat the crackers since we had the tortilla chips. I ordered a flan and we shared that as well. My sister ordered a tube of margarita, and between 3 of us we shared it and finished it. I'm not a huge fan of margaritas, I think they taste like lysol, but that's ok. They got better the more I drank them. At the end to finish the tube off, I chugged the last glass in under 20 seconds. It was ice cold so it hurt but I couldn't taste in from how fast I drank it so great! 
Now, I will clarify, I shouldn't drink and take the medications I take, but it's gonna happen so you might as well just let your doctor know the truth. That's the safest. I also am pretty large at 5'8", 220lbs. It's hard for me to get tipsy. Know yourself and take care, always keeping in mind any side effects that may occur. Stay safe, and have fun!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Part Timer

6:25 AM 1 Comments
I guess I have a job now. I was thinking it would be nearly impossible to get back into the full blown swing of things, but I applied and went to introduce myself to the manager and he interviewed me right then and there. I was offered the part time job, and no I have orientation in less than an hour. It's about a 5 minute drive from home. I'm sure I could bike it too if I had to and if the road wasn't so dangerous. I really like this store. It has a lot of the things I am interested in, like scrap-booking materials, organizers in cute styles, unique food and snacks, and housewares in funky styles. I feel like I'll really enjoy it there.

As far as the hours, it's 15 a week. Yeah, I know, that's nothing to some and yeah, it's not a lot.... to me it's a huge step in the right direction. With this job I can at least start seeing if I can take the pressure and stress of a job. If my medication is working when it comes to helping me get out of the house and out of bed and giving me the energy needed to live a typical and successful life. I can't be sitting at home with minimal worries thinking, "Oh yeah, it's working just fine!" and then throw myself into a full blown career path and end up burning out and in the hospital again. That would not be good at all. I want to take this step by step.

Sometimes I feel like people want me to take those steps a bit faster. Like they don't know why I can't just jump instead of scoot. It's like, all the chemicals that make your brain function correctly are your muscles. You can jump with those muscles. You can stand and carry yourself. Well, for us without those muscles, we need to have artificial muscles, or maybe something like bionic legs. It's hard to get around with legs that don't fit too. We need to take it slow until we are sure the legs are a perfect fit and even then we may grow out of them or they may stop working and leave us stuck and helpless. It's hard when you need artificial chemicals for your brain to work. Store bought. You don't know how much you need of what yet until you try out many different ones. It's not like trying on shoes either. It affects your life and the way you function and at times your personality. It affects relationships and ties. It's hard. It's necessary.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Clerks Office

9:42 AM 0 Comments
Dad bought me a car, aka, he bought himself a project. I get to register it though, since it's technically mine. So, a while ago I went ahead and went to the clerk's office and tried to go ahead and register it. Well, the guy we bought it from, he doesn't read English very well so he accidentally filled out the title wrong. We had to get that corrected by mailing back and forth. Now it's fixed! 

Ok, I go ahead and go back and everything is going good until "May I have your license?" AAAw dang it. My license was stolen in the break in. Now I'm waiting for a replacement and I left the little paper thing at home. It's too late to go get it and head back. So I have to go ahead and go back home and do it again. Well this was yesterday.

Today I woke up at 9am, got ready and was there at 10:30am. I got it all done and it went well. Yes! Then I went and paid bills. So bills are done, rent is paid, car is registered, and I'm exhausted. I still have to wash the bed sheets and covers though. I'm gonna rest a bit and then do that. I can make dinner while I do so. 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Bakery

2:34 PM 0 Comments

 Mainly I don't do much other than clean the apartment and study and make jewelry. Oh and my bullet journal. When I do get out of the house though, it's almost always to go to the bakery -or run errands- and work on the technical aspects of the business. The social media aspects along with some marketing through public media. 

Well, today I spent the day arranging photos into categories and then into a USB drive that will be sent off and printed from. 

Now I'm just watching Cloud 9 because- I'm not sure actually. They have problems that aren't mine I guess. Oh  yeah, the Bakery.

My mom started the bakery with everyone's help. She started decorating cakes right before I turned 15. The reason? She wanted to make my Quince cake a nice one. 

She did it and did it well. Now she's making everyone's cakes! They're all amazing. We also sell cupcakes and treats and such, and they're all so delicious.

Under Construction

4:56 AM 0 Comments
Hey guys. It's 6:46am and I'm sitting at my parent's house. They have wifi and food. They also live within walking distance so~ this is where I write most of the time. Just wanted to point a huge middle finger at the wacky-ness of my blog at the moment. It's under construction and I can't figure out how to get rid of the giant JULIET at the top or the amazingly goodlooking lady at the top right hand corner. Man.... I wish I had her clothes in my perfect size. By the way, I'm a size 18 if anyone sees anything cute they'd like to send me~ I'll model it for the world! I love clothes..... getting off topic.... 
Please pardon the mess, is what I am trying to say. I am not tech savvy at all and even though I know I can probably go into the code and fix the theme, to rid myself of these intruders and put my own pretty stuff in, I am not quite sure on the how. PSSST! Local friends, if you can help, it would be appreciated. I can pay in coffee or a home cooked meal.

Since the post looks better with a picture attached have this photo of some strawberries I made at the bakery. I'll talk more about the bakery on my next post, since that's where I'll be. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Slept In

11:19 AM 0 Comments
I typically wake up at 6am. Today I woke up at 10:30am. I planned on sleeping in, sure, but not really feeling great about it like I thought. I woke up feeling like, hey, sleeping means I don't have to eat or think, so I don't have to cook or think, which means I can't get tired or spiral out of control into a train of thought due for a wreck. CHOO-CHOO! Haha, see what- I did there- never mind.

Maybe I just need to practice controlling my thoughts more. I mean, it's why I write to be completely honest. If I'm thinking about writing I can't think about bad things. I can, but they get written down and not stuck in my head. It probably sounds really weird to others when I say that the thoughts aren't even mine. It is like I have a thought, and it opens the window, and a bunch of foreign thoughts come flying in. Thoughts like "You're so useless and a waste of space", "Just die already", "If you disappeared people would live better lives." Ah, I know those are wrong. I just can't help it.

Right now I'm wondering if I should even be posting this, but that's what I am doing this for. If I open up and let people know what life is like with depression then others can hve an easier time being understood right? That's the goal anyway. Yeah, this is a good thing isn't it?

Ah, well, here it is guys. My mind is so scattered right now. I'm hungry and probably won't eat. I'm not sad or upset. I'm just..... nothing right now. I'm empty.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

University Pains

10:39 AM 0 Comments
Having to deal with signing up for classes is hard enough without the constant feeling of impending doom. At the moment, my account is on hold which means I won't be able to actually sign up for classes until I pay the $730. Oh, the student life takes it's toll but I guess it's worth it? According to everyone it is. Here's hoping. 

The reason my account is on hold is because one of the professors decided not to take the mental health leave as a valid excuse to exempt a class. That's alright and all, except it makes it extremely difficult for me. The one with the crippling depression. So thanks, for adding to the issues while I can barely function at Uni in the first place. *sigh* Well! Just have to keep moving forward and right now the only thing to do is try to make that money, pay it to Uni, and finally take classes again. 

Have a Selfie
It sounds so simple in writing. Then I remember I can't leave the house about two to three days a week most of the time and I cry. How do people do it? It looks so simple to do, to just get ready and go to work and do your job and not break down or throw up. Wow. I admire all of you. No sarcasm this time, I truthfully admire that basic human function. Cause I don't have it. Ugh, why did He forget that specific bit, who knows but now I get to figure out how to bypass it with store bought serotonin. 

Well, for now I will ignore the large obstacles in front of me and just listen to music while staring at the wall and dissociating...... that was sarcasm, although it is most likely what will happen. Either that or I will fall asleep. I am so exhausted right now. No lie, my eyes are lead. I think I will give in and nap. I should have lunch but, nah, it's too much thinking and effort and then I'll cry because I can't cooperate anything to the household in the financial sense and I just sit there and eat instead of buy groceries and how I'm most likely a huge burden on everyone that ever so much as looks at me- AND this is where I tell myself it's nap time!! Yeah, bad brain..... 


9:40 AM 0 Comments
Hello Everyone! 

I can go into a huge story right now, but I won't. My story starts now. Some facts to start off with are:

  1. I cannot work at the moment
  2. I am diagnosed with severe major depression, along with bipolar II and PTSD
  3. I am in my 20s 
  4. Life is precious to me

I will be posting about my good days, how I get through the bad days, and how different things affect me. I want this to be a way for me to get things off my chest, yes, and also a way to advocate for others who suffer from mental health illnesses. 

Expect a lot of pictures of my bullet journal, my cooking, my daughter, Heather's cat, and some very sad posts every now and then.

Thanks for joining me in this! 

Follow Us @soratemplates